The 28th Floor - you can't go up...

The 28th Floor - you can't go up... can't go down...nowhere else to go

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Developments!

Yesterday, I received a call on my office answer machine. This is a transcript of that call. Weston, I, er, need to talk to you. Look, you don't know me but I know you're a...sorry, were a friend of George Rees. I worked in the same office as Claire...Claire Foster that is. Er,look, I don't want to say too much over the phone but I need to speak to you urgently. It's about what happened to Claire...there's something on the computer..

He left a phone number but no name. He sounded agitated. I called him back and it was almost as if he'd been waiting with his mobile phone in his hand because he answered on the first ring. I'm meeting Dom at his office on the 21st floor of the Banjai Tower in downtown Bangkok on Wednesday and you know what? This whole situation is giving me the creeps. I'll keep you posted.

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