The 28th Floor - you can't go up...

The 28th Floor - you can't go up... can't go down...nowhere else to go

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Read about the unexplained horror of the 28th may not be over!

Read the investigative report on the unexplained horror of the 28th floor in the book, The 28th Floor presented by Jack Weston.  Warning - this report is not for the faint-hearted and should not be read while alone in your office late at night!


Thursday, July 30, 2009


I had the whole thing checked out, copy CD and then Dom agreed to have the computer checked. As far as we can tell there is nothing faked here. I repeat, nothing is faked. Everything was checked extensively...several times. A security guard in the building at the time was freaked out by something but he'd been keeping it to himself. He was badly scared that night. I've thought of nothing else for the past month. I am composing a report now of what the camera recorded.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No title I can't think straight

I need a few days to think this through. I can't believe what I saw on Dom's computer. He seemed genuine, scared even, but perhaps he is just a good actor. If it is a joke then it sure is in bad taste, he was the one who discovered Claire Foster's corpse for Christ's sake. He made a copy for me but I need to check this out. If it's real then...I don't know...I just don't know.

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Developments!

Yesterday, I received a call on my office answer machine. This is a transcript of that call. Weston, I, er, need to talk to you. Look, you don't know me but I know you're a...sorry, were a friend of George Rees. I worked in the same office as Claire...Claire Foster that is. Er,look, I don't want to say too much over the phone but I need to speak to you urgently. It's about what happened to Claire...there's something on the computer..

He left a phone number but no name. He sounded agitated. I called him back and it was almost as if he'd been waiting with his mobile phone in his hand because he answered on the first ring. I'm meeting Dom at his office on the 21st floor of the Banjai Tower in downtown Bangkok on Wednesday and you know what? This whole situation is giving me the creeps. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, June 22, 2009

This mystery remains unsolved!

On the 21st December 2005 one of the most baffling mysteries of our time occurred in Bangkok, Thailand when Mark Sullivan, an Australian businessman, disappeared in full view of CCTV security cameras on the emergency stairwell of a modern, downtown, high rise building. The mystery deepened when Mr. Sullivan’s broken skeletal remains were discovered six months later in a small, bricked up chamber not far away from where he was last seen alive. Prior to the discovery, the chamber was completely sealed, nothing could have got in…nothing could have got out. But most disturbingly of all, the CCTV images show that Mr. Sullivan was terrified out of his wits and was apparently being pursued up the staircase by someone…or something unseen.
George Rees, a talented writer and loyal friend committed suicide shortly after the completion of his drama-documentary film, The 28th Floor, based on his investigative report of the strange disappearance of Mark Sullivan. Unfortunately, the film may never be shown, distribution has been suspended indefinitely following the sudden death of journalist, Claire Foster; she was just thirty-four years old.
Ms. Foster was a feature writer with Devil's Trooper magazine, a monthly, English language publication with offices in Bangkok that investigates and often debunks reports of strange phenomena. She had recently completed a feature article attacking both George Rees's movie and his book and a tenuous connection had been mooted at George's inquest that he may have been depressed over the adverse criticism. Having known George for better than twelve years, if anything, he would much sooner have been thrashed by the cold, cruel barbs of vilification than suffer the netherworld of apathy and obscurity. George was many things but sensitve to the often half baked views of people who are paid to professionaly manipulate superlatives of both the positve and negative variety he most certainly was not.
No, there was something else. I saw him on several occasions both during the time he was investigating Sullivan's disappearance and while he was involved in the film project and he seemed like the same old George Rees but the last time I ever saw him, some six weeks before he jumped from the balcony of his sixteenth floor apartment (several witnesses saw him teetering on the top of the safety railing seconds before he fell to his death) he looked gaunt and distracted. "Just a virus Jack," were his words.
They found a copy of his abridged manuscript in his printer tray. Was he trying to say something? I intend to publish it soon. Just try and bear in mind that George Rees was an extremely level headed man, a quality essential to the armoury of the investigative journalist wouldn't you think?
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